Effect of end-inspiratory pause duration on respiratory system compliance calculation in mechanically ventilated dogs with healthy lungs

Originally Published hereTo compare respiratory system compliance (CRS), expressed per kilogram of bodyweight (CRSBW), calculated without end-inspiratory pause (EIP) and after three EIP times (0.2, 0.5 and 1 seconds) with that after 3 second EIP (considered the reference EIP for static CRS) and to determine the EIP times that provided CRSBW values in acceptable agreement…

Ipsilateral thoracic limb block and Horner’s syndrome associated with bupivacaine in a dog undergoing thoracotomy

Originally Published hereA male castrated Border Terrier, aged 8 years and weighing 10.1 kg, underwent general anaesthesia for a right middle lung lobectomy via a lateral thoracotomy after diagnosis of a pulmonary carcinoma.

Retrospective comparison between low-volume high-concentration and high-volume low-concentration levobupivacaine for bilateral erector spinae plane block in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy

Originally Published hereTo compare the analgesic effect of a bilateral ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block (ESPB) in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy using either a low-volume high-concentration (LV-HC) or a high-volume low-concentration (HV-LC) local anaesthetic solution.

Effect of increased resistance on dynamic compliance assessed by two clinical monitors during volume-controlled ventilation: A test-lung study

Originally Published hereTo evaluate the effect of increased respiratory system resistance (RRS) on dynamic compliance (Cdyn) assessed by the NM3 monitor (Cdyn(NM3)) and the E-CAiOV module (Cdyn(ECAiOV)).

Novel RNA-Seq Signatures Post-Methamphetamine and Oxycodone Use in a Model of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders

Originally Published hereIn the 21st century, the effects of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) have been significantly reduced in individuals due to the development of antiretroviral therapies (ARTs). However, the growing epidemic of polysubstance use (PSU) has led to concern for the effects of PSU on HIV-seropositive individuals. To effectively treat individuals affected by HAND, it…

Molecular Characterization of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Causing Disease Among Children in Nigeria During the Introduction of PCV10 (GSK)

Originally Published hereStreptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a leading vaccine-preventable cause of childhood invasive disease. Nigeria has the second highest pneumococcal disease burden globally, with an estimated ~49 000 child deaths caused by pneumococcal infections each year. Ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (GSK; PCV10) was introduced in December 2014 in a phased approach. However, few studies have…

In Utero and Post-Natal Opioid Exposure Followed by Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Contributes to Cortical Neuroinflammation, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Behavioral Deficits in Juvenile Rats

Originally Published hereMaternal opioid use poses a significant health concern not just to the expectant mother but also to the fetus. Notably, increasing numbers of children born suffering from neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) further compounds the crisis. While epidemiological research has shown the heightened risk factors associated with NOWS, little research has investigated what…

Identification of YWHAH as a Novel Brain-Derived Extracellular Vesicle Marker Post Long-Term Midazolam Exposure during Early Development

Originally Published hereRecently, the long-term use of sedative agents in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) has raised concerns about neurodevelopmental outcomes in exposed neonates. Midazolam (MDZ), a common neonatal sedative in the NICU, has been suggested to increase learning disturbances and cognitive impairment in children. However, molecular mechanisms contributing to such outcomes with long-term…

Effect of Combined Methamphetamine and Oxycodone Use on the Synaptic Proteome in an In Vitro Model of Polysubstance Use

Originally Published herePolysubstance use (PSU) generally involves the simultaneous use of an opioid along with a stimulant. In recent years, this problem has escalated into a nationwide epidemic. Understanding the mechanisms and effects underlying the interaction between these drugs is essential for the development of treatments for those suffering from addiction. Currently, the effect of…

Methamphetamine Induces the Release of Proadhesive Extracellular Vesicles and Promotes Syncytia Formation: A Potential Role in HIV-1 Neuropathogenesis

Originally Published hereDespite the success of combinational antiretroviral therapy (cART), the high pervasiveness of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV)-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) poses a significant challenge for society. Methamphetamine (meth) and related amphetamine compounds, which are potent psychostimulants, are among the most commonly used illicit drugs. Intriguingly, HIV-infected individuals who are meth users have a comparatively…