
Operating table stability and patient safety during an earthquake based on the results of a shaking table experiment

Originally Published hereThe damage that may be caused to the operating table and patients under general anaesthesia when a large earthquake occurs is unclear. We aimed to evaluate the movement and damage to operating tables and patients under general anaesthesia during an earthquake.


Personalised blood pressure management during major noncardiac surgery and postoperative neurocognitive disorders: a randomised trial

Originally Published hereIt remains unknown whether there is a causal relationship between intraoperative hypotension and postoperative neurocognitive disorders. We tested the hypothesis that personalised—compared to routine—intraoperative blood pressure management reduces the incidence of postoperative neurocognitive disorders in patients having major noncardiac surgery.


Changes of pulse wave transit time after haemodynamic manoeuvres in healthy adults: a prospective randomised observational trial (PWTT volunteer study)

Originally Published herePulse wave transit time (PWTT) shows promise for monitoring intravascular fluid status intraoperatively. Presently, it is unknown how PWTT mirrors haemodynamic variables representing preload, inotropy, or afterload.


Efficacy of parasternal peripheral nerve catheters versus no block for median sternotomy: a single-centre retrospective study

Originally Published hereSternal pain after cardiac surgery results in considerable discomfort. Single-injection parasternal fascial plane blocks have been shown to reduce pain scores and opioid consumption during the first 24 h after surgery, but the efficacy of continuous infusion has not been evaluated. This retrospective cohort study examined the effect of a continuous infusion of…


Effects of opioid-based versus opioid-free anaesthesia on blinded nociception level index values during laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery: a secondary analysis of a randomised double-blind trial

Originally Published hereEditor—We recently reported the impact of an opioid-free anaesthesia (OFA) strategy, when compared with an opioid-based anaesthesia (OBA) strategy on postoperative morphine consumption and patient comfort during laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery in class III obese patients.1 This study included 172 patients in total and a subgroup was monitored with the Nociception Level Index…


Area under the curve and amplitude of the compound motor action potential are clinically interchangeable quantitative measures of neuromuscular block: a method comparison study

Originally Published hereCurrent guidelines recommend quantitative neuromuscular block monitoring during neuromuscular blocking agent administration. Monitors using surface electromyography (EMG) determine compound motor action potential (cMAP) amplitude or area under the curve (AUC). Rigorous evaluation of the interchangeability of these methods is lacking but necessary for clinical and research assurance that EMG interpretations of the depth…