Iatrogenic endobronchial foreign body in a cat during intubation

Originally Published herePerianaesthetic airway foreign bodies in small animals are rare, with reports limited to broken endotracheal tubes that have been aspirated during recovery from anaesthesia (Nutt et al. 2014; Niimura del Barrio et al. 2015). In humans, some anaesthesia-related airway foreign bodies, such as broken pieces from anaesthetic equipment (e.g. a piece of intubation stylet, a…

A randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of lidocaine administered intravenously, intranasally or as infraorbital nerve block in dogs undergoing rostral rhinosocopy

Originally Published hereTo compare the efficacy of lidocaine administered intravenously, intranasally or as an infraorbital nerve block in dogs undergoing rostral rhinoscopy.

Influence of fentanyl, medetomidine-fentanyl or acepromazine-fentanyl premedication on oesophageal and rectal temperature in dogs under anaesthesia

Originally Published hereTo compare changes in oesophageal (T-Oeso) and rectal (T-Rec) temperature in dogs during general anaesthesia and premedicated with fentanyl, medetomidine–fentanyl or acepromazine–fentanyl.

Quantitative analysis of ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve staining: ImageJ software application

Originally Published hereQuantitative imaging analysis software programs play an important role in biomedical research, serving as indispensable tools for manipulating images to mitigate variations during data analyses. Despite their widespread use, the existing literature lacks comprehensive information regarding the validity and reproducibility of these programs (Miura & Nørrelykke 2021). ImageJ software was created by Wayne…

Effect of end-inspiratory pause duration on respiratory system compliance calculation in mechanically ventilated dogs with healthy lungs

Originally Published hereTo compare respiratory system compliance (CRS), expressed per kilogram of bodyweight (CRSBW), calculated without end-inspiratory pause (EIP) and after three EIP times (0.2, 0.5 and 1 seconds) with that after 3 second EIP (considered the reference EIP for static CRS) and to determine the EIP times that provided CRSBW values in acceptable agreement…

Ipsilateral thoracic limb block and Horner’s syndrome associated with bupivacaine in a dog undergoing thoracotomy

Originally Published hereA male castrated Border Terrier, aged 8 years and weighing 10.1 kg, underwent general anaesthesia for a right middle lung lobectomy via a lateral thoracotomy after diagnosis of a pulmonary carcinoma.

Retrospective comparison between low-volume high-concentration and high-volume low-concentration levobupivacaine for bilateral erector spinae plane block in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy

Originally Published hereTo compare the analgesic effect of a bilateral ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block (ESPB) in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy using either a low-volume high-concentration (LV-HC) or a high-volume low-concentration (HV-LC) local anaesthetic solution.

Effect of increased resistance on dynamic compliance assessed by two clinical monitors during volume-controlled ventilation: A test-lung study

Originally Published hereTo evaluate the effect of increased respiratory system resistance (RRS) on dynamic compliance (Cdyn) assessed by the NM3 monitor (Cdyn(NM3)) and the E-CAiOV module (Cdyn(ECAiOV)).