Cryoneurolysis of the saphenous nerve in the pig: a proof-of-principle investigation

Originally Published hereTo determine if in vivo cryoneurolysis inhibits ex vivo compound action potential (CAP) conduction in the porcine saphenous nerve and if this occurs rapidly enough to justify performing the technique before stifle surgery.

Retrospective evaluation of plasma transfusions in dogs undergoing general anaesthesia: 85 cases (2017-2021)

Originally Published hereTo describe the use of plasma transfusion in anaesthetised dogs, specifically the triggers for use, the population receiving plasma, reported adverse events, and human errors associated with transfusion.

Addition of a metoclopramide constant-rate-infusion to prevent ptyalism, regurgitation and vomiting in brachycephalic dogs undergoing spinal surgery

Originally Published hereTo assess whether adding metoclopramide to a protocol of maropitant and pantoprazole would reduce incidence of ptyalism, vomiting and regurgitation in brachycephalic dogs undergoing thoracolumbar spinal surgery.

Dorsal recumbency for tracheal intubation in cats

Originally Published hereEndotracheal intubation is an essential procedure in anaesthesia: it ensures airway protection, delivery of oxygen and volatile anaesthetic agents, carbon dioxide elimination and allows support for ventilation in the event of respiratory depression or apnoea (Robertson et al. 2018). Endotracheal intubation in cats is quite challenging as the access to the laryngeal inlet…

The sensitivity of sheep to rocuronium

Originally Published hereSheep are a well-established model for cardiovascular research (DiVincenti et al. 2014). Anesthesia for thoracic and cardiac surgery may often include neuromuscular block. It has been shown that sheep are substantially more sensitive to the effects of vecuronium and pancuronium, two steroidal neuromuscular blocking agents, than people and other domestic species like the dog…


Personalised blood pressure management during major noncardiac surgery and postoperative neurocognitive disorders: a randomised trial

Originally Published hereIt remains unknown whether there is a causal relationship between intraoperative hypotension and postoperative neurocognitive disorders. We tested the hypothesis that personalised—compared to routine—intraoperative blood pressure management reduces the incidence of postoperative neurocognitive disorders in patients having major noncardiac surgery.